Fatigue Friendly

Fatigue has had a lifespan of FOREVER! And I for one love the statement it makes. Naturally you may think of the brave men and women who serve our country who are decked out in the green get up but as of late fatigue has made a place of itself as an on trend print all throughout fashion.

Plenty of designers and brands have played with it adding a fun spin to fatigue exploring colors and textures. That's what attracted me most. While the traditional look can be pulled off effortlessly I really dig when its remixed and we get to see something different from what we already know.

While casually online shopping one morning I came across this coat and KNEW it was for me! Ironically last year I had my eye on a very similar coat so similar it was the exact color. I saw it in the men's section of Forever 21, but never got my hands on it. So I'm going to have to say it was fate finding this gem.

Believe it or not I still hesitated on going through with my purchase. I gather I stared at it long enough to the point someone special knew I needed it. At home one day, the door bell rings and its UPS with a hand full of packages.. per usual lol.. But one in particular was very large and I just knew I hadn't ordered anything that size. I asked the UPS carrier to check and make sure it belonged to me and she confirmed my address on the package.

As I began to open it up I could see the reflective oxblood jumping out at me! Did I buy this in my sleep? OMG has my shopping addiction driven me to no longer being aware of the purchases I make?! Then it hit me, the only person who knew I was drooling over this coat but had been indecisive with actually go through with getting it was my beau. He was sweet enough to order it and send it to my home. Long story short I'm in love not just with a great man but also this dope fatigue coat that gives off the funky vibe, just cool, chill swag look that I just know it here to stay.


|| Coat ASOS || Top F21 || Pants Missguided || Shoes ZARA || Necklace ByLolita ||