
                                                              I love you more than my own skin.

Two weeks ago I celebrated my 27th birthday.. Shout out to all the Scorpios out there enjoying our season!! I decided to take a break and really focus on work and myself. I must say its been amazing. There wasn't much I wanted to do to celebrate but when I got word of the Frida Kahlo exhibit at the Bronx Botanical Garden I rushed over to check it out. There was everything from a taco truck to live music and dancers. 


They say with age comes wisdom but I will be the first to say Im still figuring a lot of things out. Especially when it comes to what I will allow in my life. One thing Ive vowed to do away with is one sided relationships. Im the person who will give their all to someone whether it be a romantic relationship or friendship and sometimes when others know you have that characteristic they take advantage of it. I promised myself to no longer accept whats given to me but to take what I deserve and if not then I'll remove myself from the situation. I also promised myself to begin venturing out more.. Travel and see what this world has to offer. Don't be too alarmed if this style blog soon becomes a travel blog!!


Frida was fearless. With her paintings, with her words, and of course with her look. There was no one who she was going to allow to determine who she was. As women sometimes titles mean a lot to use from mother, wife, friend... which are all beautiful places to be in life but Im earning for something that fully focuses on me and me alone which is why Frida truly inspires me so much!! She stood in her womanhood and made no apologies about it. She was a force who took no sh*t. 27 is my time to be a force!!!

Really, I do not know whether my paintings are surrealist or not, but I do know that they are the frankest expression of myself.

Chanda Terry said...

Man, I wish that this exhibit would just roll on through! Looked like so much fun! Happy Belated! :)

xo, Chanda | www.mschanda.com