Put A Ring On It


Throughout this past Summer I literally went crazy over rings. I couldn't go shopping without picking up a ring. Before I knew it my Flava Flav ring obsession was out of control and my collection became massive. Not to my dismay I realized that sometimes a girl could use a beautiful cocktail ring or just something to make a bold statement on her hand. So Ive decided to share some of my fav's with you.

Unknown said...

LOVE all of them!!!


Lolli Lewis said...

love the to finger rings..


it'sok2bu*nique* said...

love all!!!

Anonymous said...

That pearl bundle one in the first picture is friggin gorgeous !
Great post

feel free to check out my blog & follow back if you like what you see !

Eleanor said...

i love the big purple one in the middle picture...
also, your nails are so cool! the silver and blue look amazing together! xxxx

Unknown said...

I love the orange&purple ones!

Nadine2point0 said...

Big purple and Big Coral. Love them!
Great blog here!

Unknown said...

WOW i loveee ur rings and i love the fact that u are my new follower!!!

KISSES julia


oomph. said...

i'm ring crazy too...great collection you have here.


Unknown said...

in love with these rings, need to add more to my collection :)


Anonymous said...

Cute mani! I might try that next week!

ilikestuff said...

I LOVE the blue and silver nails with all those chunky wonderful rings! It's a nice reminder that you don't have to necessarily be painting portraits of Abraham Lincoln on your nails to make a statement. Although come to think of it that would look really cool too...

Boîte à Nana said...

Love the pink ring!!

LoveNWright said...

Okay, so what is your address because you are my new bestie!! I promise to return every ring after each use!!

Follow me, I'll follow you
Hair | Finance | Womanhood

Fashion Mom said...

pretty rings x

Kerissa said...

Just painted the tosies a similar color but darker shade called Midnight Blue by Sinful Color for the New Year (Walgreens). I'm getting the ring bling myself. Napped a few cute ones this week from H & M.

NRC♥ said...

I love love love them all