Stylish & Versatile Award

Here are the rules and regulations:
1. Thank the person who gave you the award and link back to them in your post.
2. Tell us seven (7) things about yourself.
3. Award 15* other bloggers.
4. Contact these bloggers and let them know that they have won.

 I was given this award by the beautiful and fabulous Ms ViVi over at Heart, Print & Style. Thank you so much ViVi, I truly appreciate the fact that you think my little ol' blog deserves something so honoring. I love blogging and I don't plan to let up any time soon!! Once again thank you.

1. I was born and raised in Queens, NY and I'm still here. I can't imagine not living in NYC, there is just so much to experience and it feels like living some place else would be going backwards. I LOVE MY CITY!

2. I feel in love with fashion while in high school. During study hall periods I would break out my Elle or Vogue and just float into another world.

3. After high school I wanted to be as close to fashion as I possibly could so I started working in retail. Fast forward four years and I have to say I've worked at some pretty amazing places that I still can't believe I've had the honor of working at.

4. I am in love with my high school sweetheart ;)

5. Writing is my first passion. I've been writing stories since I was thirteen years old.

6. I love messy, drama-filled t.v. like Gossip Girl, Jersey Shore, BGC, Wendy Williams, Sex and the City, and ANYTHING Kardashian.

7. I am so focused on what I want out of life. You only get one chance to live it and I'll be damned if I don't accomplish everything I want to and then some!

Now for 15 other glamorous bloggers I adore!

Vivi N. said...

No problemo!

The only messy show I'll watch is "Gossip Girl" cause it's scripted. I can't deal with messy reality shows.

Nice post. :o)

CESILIA said...

Haha thanks I'll def post !

Unknown said...

thank u so much honey!!!

Kisses Julia

Peppercompinc said...

Blushing thank you very much.!!!!!!

Amber Lucas A Mused Blog said...

Why thank you so much for the award! I love your blog :)

<3 Amber